Monday, May 28, 2007


It is sad when the time comes that these are empty for real!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Pat and I had the same idea: to use "empty" as a verb as well.


Squirrels must be the most obedient of creatures as far as Preparedness goes.

Friday, May 25, 2007


I have photographed this old house in every season - Pat has posted it for a different assignment, even. But I took this just a couple of days ago especially for this assignment. It is a great model for any time of year! What was this like, I wonder, when it was a real home? I have other post ideas, but I need all week.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Now I got our instructor's help, so here is one last post.

Friday, May 18, 2007


I am still trying; I need some help!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I guess this photo, edited to B&W does bring on a few moods. I will wait for more direction before I post again.


So, I edited this to B&W, but I don't see the mood in it. Please help me understand the assignment!


Rebecca, I am not quite sure why the architecture photos that were shown as examples of "moody" were used; using B&W especially. But I will use architecture. This one is not enhanced: it is the exact colors of what I saw. My goal was to get some shadows to create shading.


Number 2 grandson, in a ponder mood.

ASSIGNMENT: How time Passes

I just had to add one more for this category because I drove past this rusty stove so often, right there alongside a building in old Snoqualmie, thinking it would fit this assignment. I finally stopped for the shot.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Assignment: Time Has Passed

Like Pat, I cannot resist the call of the Tumble-down structure! It was unbelievable that this one log home was still standing with original parts. Well, it was listing to starboard quite a bit, but everything about it was original. I wanted to touch every adz mark and splinter!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Seen busier days

We were practically under the under-contruction new Tacoma Narrows Bridge where I took this photo.

Louisana Ante-Bellum plantation; lost corner

On a back-road we discovered a pre-Civil War plantation that was NOT registered for tourists. We were able to convince a wonderful but reticent, shy lone woman to let us poke around. Nothing was restored; not even faded, peeling, smoky wallpaper. She herself looked like a remnant nanny from those times, wrapped bandana and all! Anyway, this gate post was definitely a relic.


I misunderstood the assignment. I thought it was to display 3 different photos as a set which show 3 stages of time passing with the same subject. So, here we have the dandelion blossom, seed head, and pod. I will post something after I do better homework and re-read the assignment!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Early fighter plane

The challenge was too much light in the building. This was my first attempt in going for starkness, but the background is too busy.

One-third of the power, Spruce Goose

We went to Oregon this week-end to see the Spruce Goose and flight museum. I thought I was lucky when I saw all that light to use for my attempt at silhouettes. Alas, there was too MUCH light as the entire building was panels as you see here. I wanted a really stark black and light contrast because of the geometry. It worked!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Hungarian Neni

Oh, how I would love to know what every one of those lines represents! Such history in her dear face. She was quite pleased to allow me to photograph her in her remote little village.