Thursday, December 27, 2007


On Christmas Eve we traditionally have a family talent show, using Christmas themes or music. This year Griffin, 9, played his cello for us. He has taken the instrument only 2 months and I was really impressed with his touch and his bond with his cello. He is a sensitive musician (which I already knew), but it was amazing to watch and hear him be so good already!
You go, Griffin! Of course, this is not the correct seating, but he adjusted well.
Amanda, 3, couldn't make it past 6 PM Christmas day. But she is totally in her comfort zone, surrounded by new softie frog and laptop, and old real pet cat.

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Children always MAKE Christmas! Griffin looks so intent; I hope he continues with his music. We would love to hear him play! And Amanda is adorable!

You asked about a blog like ours. Easy! Go to, and they lay it all out very nicely. Can't wait to see what you do! Love you!!