Monday, August 20, 2007

Assignment: OUTING

This close-up is of the ornamental grasses, shown above. This was in the gardens of the temple.

Assignment: OUTING

The colors of the windows are true in these photos. They were so irridescent!

Assignment: OUTING

Well, I missed going to Kirkland with the photo gang. That is because we had our own "outing" to Orem, Utah. We were privileged to go to the Mt. Timpanogos temple with loved ones. So, that is the subject of most of my outing shots.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Assignment: FAITH

While we lived in the mountains, we could not plant a vegetable garden. Now, many years later we started a little plot. This year we have to have faith that these zuchinni blossoms will really turn into something!
The first photo I first thought was terribly out of focus. But then I saw that the fuzz was really little fuzzy plant hairs.

Monday, August 6, 2007


This subject can mean so many things! I kept to two at this time: the sunflower and a sunset. That doesn't mean I am finished with the assignment though!


A Great Day at Edmonds Beach

We love it when we can see Mt. Baker, and here she is with a blue-water footstool!
This Great Blue Heron caught creature after creature, and he was fast. Such a smorgasbord he had!

Edmonds beach

This was such a perfect-weather day! Olympic range in background.

Edmonds beach

The old ferry dock from underneath.

Outing to Edmonds Ferry Dock Beach

I was trying to post more than one photo at a time, but I don't think it worked. This is a small seagull feather. Of course, those are white, but the sand was a blue-ish gray and I was using a polarizer lens - I guess that accounts for the color. I did not enhance this.