Sunday, October 28, 2007


These shots are from Budapest. I passed this old, vine-encased house every time I walked to the office from our apartment. When dark Fall and Winter came, it suddenly seemed to turn into a Haunted House!


These photos go back to our last Halloween in Budapest. Actually, I took them on what is called "All Hallows Eve". It is quite a unique all-night observance. My camera was hand-held, so the exposure is way off, but that sort of adds to the spookiness, maybe?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


As soon as I saw the assignment, I knew exactly what I would post. I mean, it is still just Wednesday night and I posted already! In Yellowstone, this very large gray spotted owl was spotted by my very sharp-eyed husband in the woods several feet away. The owl actually let me get within just a few feet; I soon learned that it was because he had hopes for prey and he pounced - thankfully, not on me!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Oops, I forgot to add this last one from the Tetons.


We just got back from our almost-month-long trip, driving backroads between a few western national parks. As you can see, almost all the "colors" we saw were yellows; no oranges or crimson. The top picture is in the Provo area; next down is Bryce Canyon; then Monte Crsito Pass near the Tetons and Yellowstone, and the last is the Bitterroot Range. In this photo you can see the cone-shaped tamarac tree. It is an "evergreen", and the only such that actually changes from green to bright yellow. It does not drop its needles, which is why it is called an evergreen. The hills were alive with them! If you want to meet a tamarac, you can drive over Bluett Pass. They aren't as numerous there, but to spot one is to find a treasure. ML